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Welcome to the Shiny 4 All Community!
This vibrant hub is dedicated to all things related to Shiny. Whether you're a seasoned Shiny developer or just getting started, this community is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals, share your projects, seek advice, and collaborate on building stunning interactive applications. Join us to dive into the world of Shiny, exchange ideas, and unlock the full potential of your data visualization and analysis endeavors.
Let's shine together!

Join us to:

01. Connect with fellow Shiny enthusiasts: 
Engage in discussions, network, and build relationships with like-minded individuals who share a common interest in Shiny. Collaborate with others to enhance your skills and learn from their experiences.

02. Share and showcase your projects: 
Show off your innovative and impactful Shiny projects. Whether it's a data visualization, interactive dashboard, or a complex application, this community provides a platform for you to demonstrate your work, receive feedback, and inspire others.

03. Seek guidance and support: 
Stuck on a challenging problem? Looking for best practices, tips, or tricks to optimize your Shiny applications? Our community is here to help! Ask questions, seek advice, and get valuable insights from seasoned experts who are eager to assist you.

04. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and resources: 
Discover new packages, libraries, and techniques that can enhance your Shiny development process. Get updates on the latest releases, tutorials, webinars, and conferences related to Shiny.

05. Contribute and collaborate: 
Are you a Shiny expert? Share your knowledge and expertise by participating in discussions, providing thoughtful answers, and contributing to the collective learning experience. Help others troubleshoot their challenges and work together on open-source projects.

Remember to follow our community guidelines and be respectful towards others. Let's create a friendly, inclusive, and supportive environment where we can all grow and thrive in our Shiny endeavors!

Community Guidelines

01. Be respectful and supportive: 
Treat all members of the community with respect and empathy. Encourage a positive and supportive environment where learners can ask questions, share ideas, and help each other grow.

02. Stay focused on Shiny: 
Keep discussions and interactions related to Shiny, its features, development, and related topi​​cs including the principles of robust software engineering and best practices for developing high-quality applications. Avoid posting unrelated content or engaging in discussions that are not relevant to each channel's purpose.

03. Share knowledge and resources: 
Contribute to the community by sharing your knowledge, insights, and helpful resources related to Shiny. Be open to learning from others and appreciate their contributions.

04. Keep discussions constructive: 
Engage in meaningful discussions that promote learning and problem-solving. Personal attacks, derogatory language, or any form of harassment will not be tolerated. Disagreements should be expressed respectfully and resolved through constructive dialogue.

05. Respect intellectual property: 
Honor the intellectual property rights of others. Do not share or distribute copyrighted material or proprietary information without proper authorization or attribution.

06. Provide clear and concise communication: 
When seeking help or offering assistance, communicate your questions or solutions clearly. Use appropriate language and provide sufficient context to facilitate understanding and effective communication.

07. Be mindful of code and data sharing: 
When sharing code or data, ensure it is appropriate, relevant, and does not violate any confidentiality or proprietary agreements. Respect licensing terms and give credit to the original authors when using their code or data.

08. Offer constructive feedback: 
When providing feedback on someone's work do so constructively and with the intention of helping them improve. Harsh criticism or negative comments that discourage participation will not be tolerated.

09. Report violations: 
If you encounter any violations of the community guidelines, such as inappropriate behavior or content, report them to the moderators or administrators. Help maintain a positive and inclusive learning environment.

10. Use slack features respectfully:
- Reply in threads instead of top-level messages to notify the original poster.
- Keep messages concise; if it's longer than half a screen, use a summary and provide details in a thread.
- Highlight key information for quick scanning
- Avoid excessive formatting, such as capitalization, emojis, or distracting attachments.

If you have concerns or experienced something less than great, please reach out to any of us on Slack @Joanna Mocko-Lazarewicz, @Pedro Silva or email, © 2023